VANCOUVER SUN | Most Canadians expect to keep working from home after COVID-19: poll

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In the article "Most Canadians expect to keep working from home after COVID-19: poll," Postmedia News.

For VS0404 Home Front column, Westcoast Homes. By Rebecca Keillor [PNG Merlin Archive]
A new Angus Reid poll shows the majority of Canadians expected they'll be working from home even long after the COVID-19 pandemic is over. / PNG

If you're comfortable working from home while wearing slippers, you're not alone.

The majority of Canadians expect to continue working from home even long after the COVID-19 pandemic is over, according to Angus Reid poll results released Thursday.

Among the 1,510 Canadians surveyed, 44 per cent predict they'll split their time between working in the office and from home, while 20 per cent say they'll keep working from home after the pandemic is over. Just 36 per cent believe they'll head back to the office full-time.


Feelings about work productivity have also been mixed, with 59 per cent of Canadians saying their work productivity has been OK, 28 per cent are more productive than before, and 13 per cent saying the experience has been awful.

A total of 68 per cent say it has been great and 15 per cent say it's been awful.

On the other hand, of those who have seen a reduction in work or who have experienced job loss since mid-March, 29 per cent are doubtful work will return to pre-pandemic levels. At least nine per cent believe that job is gone forever; the latter demographic has increased two-fold since the end of March, as the health crisis continued.


However, feelings are equally split among those who feel the worst of pandemic job losses and economic strife is yet to come (49 per cent), and those who feel the worst has already come and gone (51 per cent).

Within B.C., responses to that same issue are more skewed, with 60 per cent feeling that the worst is over, while 40 per cent still believe the worst is yet to come.

A total of 1,510 Canadians who are members of the Angus Reid Forum were surveyed online. A probability sample of the size would carry a margin of error of +/- 2.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
